Forest Herbarium Ibadan (FHI) is a repository of about 101000 specimens of vascular plants and cryptograms mainly from all parts of Nigeria and some other parts of the world. Forest Herbarium Ibadan is located in Taxonomy Section of the Department of Forest Conservation and Protection at the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. The sources of FHI materials are from Taxonomic activities such as collections during routine field exploration, flora projects and inventories. Other sources include specimens exchange from other herbaria (Nationally and Internationally), voucher specimen from scientists and research students and donations from private collectors. The objectives of FHI are to render Taxonomic services (Identification, Classification and Nomenclature), conserve and monitor the distribution and status of the flora of Nigeria through plant collection and botanical exploration of her regions and to encourage proper documentation of the flora. Today, FHI plays the role of a National herbarium in Nigeria. The dataset presently holds 4905 records of grasses collected between 1902 – 2015, consisting of 168 Genera and 719 Species with about 5300 images links.
Data Records
The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 4,905 records.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.
How to cite
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
Ugbogu O, Osiyemi O, Adeniji K, Okanlawo T, Soyewo T, Oyebola T, Chukwuma E, Aina S, Odewo A (2018): Grasses of the Forest Herbarium Ibadan (FHI) Nigeria. v1.8. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria. Dataset/Occurrence.
Researchers should respect the following rights statement:
The publisher and rights holder of this work is Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: beefc0e5-520f-446c-8d7a-2e1c35394144. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Nigeria.
Grasses; Plants; Nigeria; Forest Herbarium Ibadan; Occurrence; Occurrence; Specimen
- Point Of Contact
- Point Of Contact
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- Point Of Contact
- Point Of Contact
Geographic Coverage
Most of the specimens were collected from Nigeria. Few donated/exchange specimens came from some other 27 African countries, Asia, Europe, North and South America and Oceania.
Bounding Coordinates | South West [-82.495, -132.188], North East [59.534, 140.625] |
Taxonomic Coverage
All vascular plants were identified to family or species rank. Examples of taxa are listed below
Genus | Panicum L. |
Species | Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv., Bambusa vulgaris Schrad., Beckeropsis uniseta (Nees) K.Schum., Digitaria horizontalis Willd., Eragrostis arenicola C.E.Hubb., Tristachya superba (De Not.) Schweinf. & Asch., Sporobolus pyramidalis Beauv., Panicum afzelii Sw. |
Temporal Coverage
Formation Period | 1902-2015 |
Project Data
The objective of this project is to initiate mobilization of biodiversity data from Nigerian data holders, custodians, and institutions, estimated to hold more than 700,000 data records related to plants and animals within protected areas and likewise invasive, threatened and endemic species. While educating biodiversity data stakeholders across Nigeria on the benefits of biodiversity data mobilization and sharing, the project will also disseminate and demonstrate best practices for digitizing natural history collections through training workshops and thereby mobilize biodiversity data from Nigeria. Project activities will be coordinated by Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN) and executed in collaboration with project partners at Nigeria National Park Service, Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), Nnadi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nasarawa State University, and University of Kansas. Through this project, previously undigitized data from herbarium/museum collections and species in the protected areas in each geo-ecological zone of Nigeria will be mobilized and shared through, complementing data that the Nigerian GBIF node is already mobilizing. In addition to helping policy makers prioritize conservation investments, the mobilized data will be used to identify potential habitats for threatened species, which in turn will aid park managers to focus long-term conservation efforts. The project is expected to increase capacity for biodiversity information management within the GBIF node in Nigeria.
Title | Capacity Advancement for the Nigeria node of GBIF |
Identifier | BID-AF2017-0210-NAC |
Funding | The project was funded by European Union and GBIF. It was co funded by Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Nigeria National Park Service, Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), Nnadi Azikiwe University Awka and Nasarawa State University. |
Study Area Description | The project occurred in the six geoecological zones across Nigeria. The records mobilized are those of herbarium specimens, insect collections and animals in parks and protected areas across Nigeria. |
Design Description | In the research design, specimens were digitized directly into Darwin Core spreadsheet by project team. The data cleaning was done using OpenRefine software. In the process of digitization, Google Maps (GPS finder) was used for Georeferencing of localities on specimen’s records. Validation of taxonomic records was done using Global Names Resolver and other online resources. The goal of the research design is digitization of over 10000 biodiversity data and information on threatened species, invasive alien species and species in the protected areas in each geoecological zone in Nigeria |
The personnel involved in the project:
- Principal Investigator
- Curator
- Curator
- Curator
- Curator
Sampling Methods
Not applicable
Study Extent | Not applicable |
Quality Control | Not applicable |
Method step description:
- Not applicable
Collection Data
Collection Name | Grasses collection of the Forest Herbariun Ibadan |
Parent Collection Identifier | Not applicable |
Specimen preservation methods | Dried and pressed |
Curatorial Units | Count 4,905 +/- 0 Herbarium specimen sheets |
Bibliographic Citations
- Google Maps 2018 and 2019
Additional Metadata
Alternative Identifiers | beefc0e5-520f-446c-8d7a-2e1c35394144 |
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