Sampling Event Dataset from Oba Hills, Osun State

Sampling event
Последняя версия опубликовано Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria янв. 11, 2022 Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
Дата публикации:
11 января 2022 г.
Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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The present dataset comprises a list of angiosperms recorded through quadrant sampling event of the remainig vegetaion of Oba Hills Forest reserve, Ola-Oluwa, Osun State, Nigeria. The site is currently characterised by savanna species given the anthropogenic activities within the area. The study was self funded by the authors and took place between 14th-15th March, 2014. In all there are a total of 524 individual record.

Записи данных

Данные этого sampling event ресурса были опубликованы в виде Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), который является стандартным форматом для обмена данными о биоразнообразии в виде набора из одной или нескольких таблиц. Основная таблица данных содержит 4 записей.

Также в наличии 1 таблиц с данными расширений. Записи расширений содержат дополнительную информацию об основной записи. Число записей в каждой таблице данных расширения показано ниже.

Event (core)

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Как оформить ссылку

Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:

Chukwuma E, Agbo-Adediran A, Chukwuma D, Ugbogu O (2022): Sampling Event Dataset from Oba Hills, Osun State. v1.5. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria. Dataset/Samplingevent.


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Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria. Эта работа находится под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0).

Регистрация в GBIF

Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: 3ab96012-9dce-41b6-a006-0bbe273129bf.  Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF Nigeria.

Ключевые слова

Sampling event; Oba Hills; occurence


Emmanuel Chukwuma
  • Content Provider
  • Metadata Provider
  • Publisher
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • Senior Research Fellow
Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
  • Jericho Hill
Oyo State
  • +234 8060114367
Adewale Agbo-Adediran
  • Originator
  • Lecturer 1
Federal College of Forestry
  • Jericho Hill
Oyo State
  • +234 8035782049
Deborah Chukwuma
  • Originator
  • Lecturer 1
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
Ekiti State
  • +234 8058269091
Omokafe Ugbogu
  • Point Of Contact
  • Research Professor/Curator, Forest Herbarium Ibadan (FHI)
Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
  • Jericho Hill
Oyo State
  • +234 8032236876
Omokafe Ugbogu
  • Point Of Contact
  • Research Professor/Curator, Forest Herbarium Ibadan (FHI)
Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
  • Jericho Hill
Oyo State
  • +234 8032236876

Географический охват

The data was collected from Oba Hills Forest Reserve in South-Western Nigeria.

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [7,704, 4,117], Север Восток [7,783, 4,212]

Таксономический охват

Species were identified to specific level, except a few which were known only to generic level.

Genus Combretum Loefl., Terminalia L.
Species Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. & Perr., Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalziel (African copaiba balsam tree)

Временной охват

Дата начала / Дата окончания 2014-03-14 / 2014-03-15

Данные проекта

Biodiversity underpins the provision of food and water; it mitigates and provides resilience to climate change; it supports human health, and provides jobs in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and many other sectors. Many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include targets that reflect the need for biodiversity and healthy ecosystems to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Without effective measures to conserve biodiversity and use its components in a sustainable manner, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development would not be achievable. Biodiversity information is critical to achieve sustainable development, yet many West African countries lack necessary capacity to mobilize and develop information resources needed to guide conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. The overall goal of this project is to enhance capacity for biodiversity data mobilization and development of information products in support of sustainable development in West Africa. The project will involve four GBIF West African national nodes with mentorship from the US Node and UNEP-WCMC. Our project aligns closely to priority needs of all the GBIF national nodes, as well as the GBIF Capacity Enhancement Framework, and GBIF Implementation Plan 2017-2021. The measured impact of the project will include number of participants actively involved in biodiversity informatics activities, volume of research-grade data records via, as well as biodiversity information products developed.

Название Enhancing capacity for biodiversity data mobilization and use in support of sustainable development in West Africa
Идентификатор CESP2020-005
Финансирование The project is funded by GBIF.
Описание района исследования The project enhances capacity among staff from four GBIF national nodes in West Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, Mauritania and Liberia) working alongside mentors from the GBIF US node and UNEP-WCMC.

Исполнители проекта:

Alex Asase
  • Principal Investigator
Omokafe Ugbogu
  • Point Of Contact
John Woods
  • Point Of Contact
Moulaye Ainina
  • Point Of Contact

Методы сбора

A line transect was demarcated from the undisturbed area of the study site. Data was collected using 50m x 50m plots which were demarcated at 200m interval. Four (4) plots were sampled. Focus was more on the trees and shrubs.

Охват исследования The present study was carried out in a forested area within Ola-Oluwa local governemnt area of Osun state. The areas is situated on Latitude 7°47’N and Longitude 4°5’E, and covers a 52kmSq hilly terrain with deep gorges, with about 12% of the site already converted to teak and gmelina plantation. The site is currently composed of a mix of savanna and forest species, and occurs in the transitional equatorial climatic zone of West Africa.

Описание этапа методики:

  1. Data was collected using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and carefully checked for error(s).

Дополнительные метаданные

Альтернативные идентификаторы 3ab96012-9dce-41b6-a006-0bbe273129bf