Odonata of Federal University of Technology Akure Nigeria

最新版本 published by The Federal University of Technology, Akure on 8月 26, 2019 The Federal University of Technology, Akure
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Odonate collections from Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State Nigeria comprised a total of 661 individuals made up of 110 species, 41 general and nine families. The families include Libellulidae (72.2%), Coenagrionidae (13.5%), Calopterygidae (6.2%), Platycnemididae (3.1%), Chlorocyphidae (1.9%), Protoneuridae (1.2%), Cordullidae (0.5%), Gomphidae (0.5%), Aeshnidae (0.3%). Three dominant species include Trithemis arteriosa (10%), Palpopleura lucia (9%) and Orthetrum Julia (8%). Thirty eight species of the collections were represented by only one individual amongst which were Ceriagrion whellani, Pseudagrion risi, and Trithemis leakeyi.


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Adu, B. W. & Ogbogu, S. S. (2013). Diversity and community structure of dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) in Aponmu Forest, Southwestern. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 3(6): 231 -239. Adu, W., Kemabonta, K. A. & Ogbogu, S. S. (2016). Composition and abundance of Odonates at Alatori stream South-West, Nigeria. UNILAG Journal of Medicine, Science and Technology. 4: 96-110. Adu, W., Ogbogu, S. S. & Kemabonta, K. A. (2015). Dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) as tools for habitat quality assessment and monitoring. FUTA Journal of Research in Sciences. 11(1): 36-45.



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此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: ef308a4f-87f2-4600-80af-45a6ab108512。  The Federal University of Technology, Akure 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Nigeria同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Occurrence; river Alatori; Aponmu; Aahoo; Ilaramokin; Odonata; diversity; specimen; Specimen


Kehinde Kemabonta
  • 出處
  • 使用者
  • 連絡人
  • Associate Professor
University of Lagos
  • Department Of Zoology
+234 Lagos
  • 8022235317
Babasola Adu
  • 元數據提供者
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • Senior Lecturer
Federal University od Technology, Akure
  • Department of Biology
+234 Akure
  • 8034313457


The area covers Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ikere Ekiti,Ilara Mokin, Akure Forest reserve comprising of River Owena, Apomu river, Aahoo stream and Alatori river

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [7.21, 5.143], 緯度北界 經度東界 [7.328, 5.28]


Odonate collections from Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State Nigeria comprised a total of 661 individuals made up of 110 species, 41 general and nine families. The families include Libellulidae (72.2%), Coenagrionidae (13.5%), Calopterygidae (6.2%), Platycnemididae (3.1%), Chlorocyphidae (1.9%), Protoneuridae (1.2%), Cordullidae (0.5%), Gomphidae (0.5%), Aeshnidae (0.3%). Three dominant species include Trithemis arteriosa (10%), Palpopleura lucia (9%) and Orthetrum Julia (8%). Thirty eight species of the collections were represented by only one individual amongst which were Ceriagrion whellani, Pseudagrion risi, and Trithemis leakeyi.

Order odonata (Dragonflies), Odonata (Damselflies)


起始日期 / 結束日期 2006-02-01 / 2017-12-13


Odonate collections from University of Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria comprised a total of 495 individuals made up of 26 species, and four families. The families include Libellulidae (72.2%), Coenagrionidae (13.5%), Protoneuridae (1.2%) and Gomphidae (0.5%). Three dominant species include Trithemis arteriosa (10%), Palpopleura lucia (9%) and Ceriagrion glabrum(8%). Five species of the collections were represented by only one individual amongst which were Teinobasis alluausi, Orthetrum austeni and Palpopleura deceptor.

計畫名稱 Digitization of Species of Odonata (Damselflies and Dragonflies) of Southern, Nigeria
辨識碼 BID-AF2017-0311-SMA
經費來源 BID-AF2017-0311-SMA
研究區域描述 The study area include Federal University of technology, Akure, Ilara Mokin, Akure forest reserve comprising of some ponds such as Ago store pond and rivers such as Aahoo and Alatori and owena.
研究設計描述 These are preserved specimens with Dr Adu


Babasola Adu
  • 連絡人
